Cashew Cream

I've been getting a lot of requests to share this recipe lately. If you've been on a retreat with me during the summer months, chances are you've had it. Serve it with berries or sliced fruit, or use it on desserts in place of whipped cream. And be sure to share it with kids...they love it!


2 c. raw cashews, soaked at least 2 hours and drained
1/4 c. real maple syrup (or use a couple soaked dates for a truly raw experience)
1/2t. vanilla powder (or 1/3 of a whole vanilla bean pod or1 tsp. vanilla extract)
1/2 c. coconut water

Blend everything together in a high-speed blender* until a smooth, creamy consistency is achieved. Add a bit more coconut water as needed while blending if mixture is lumpy.

* A conventional blender may be used, but soak cashews for 3-4 hours minimum.


Add ground cardamom and/or rosewater for a more exotic flavor.

Add approx. 2 t. raw cacao powder or cocoa powder for a chocolate variation. (You may need to add a bit more maple syrup to balance the bitter chocolate taste.)